Thursday, August 22, 2013

Access VM's Virtual Consoles in Qemu

To access Virtual Terminals on a Linux host, the users can go about hitting Ctrl+Alt+F1 ... Ctrl+Alt+F7 key combinations. But while working on a Virtual Machine on qemu, users cannot directly hit the above key combinations to get to the Virtual Terminals.

The users will have to hit Ctrl+Alt+2 first which will get to qemu's Monitor console. Once at the Monitor Console, the user can enter the following command to get to VT2

(qemu) sendkey ctrl-alt-f2

Another nice feature of the qemu monitor console is the screen dump feature, which can be used to capture the screenshot of the Virtual Machine. The users will have to run the following command:

(qemu) screendump  /home/username/test.ppm

I gathered this information from other public articles and re-posting it for my future reference.

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